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It’s not always greener

Today was a day to cut the grass. I usually enjoy it, though it loses its luster after a few days of rain and/or the high pollen counts. It does not mix well with my allergies nor asthma.

One thing we’re considering and slowly moving towards is converting our yard into a native plant meadow that will hopefully also assist pollinators.

We’ve looked at a few different people that will provide consultations and have been strategic over the past few years of only trying to plant native plants. There are a few that we inherited from the previous owner and one or two that snuck in before we were more fully committed to natives.

The only real issue (beyond cost) are neighbors. We have at least one who would probably blow a gasket if I didn’t cut our grass weekly or, God forbid, we didn’t have grass at all.

Anyway, first world problems and all but just something I was reflecting on while trying to regulate my breathing again.

Here’s a listen for today: Back in the Tall Grass by Future Islands.