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Have you ever tasted the soil

As a person who enjoys a variety of music, I always knew Steve Albini’s name. His passing this week was unexpected. There are plenty of posts and articles memorializing him and his contributions to music and the industry.

But his passing resurrected a memory for me. It’s of the band Neurosis. Some years ago, early aughts or so, my brother and I attended a concert at a small music venue headlined by Soulfly, I think. (Parts of this memory are hazy.) But what I do recall now is the opening act: Neurosis. I hadn’t been a fan of them prior to this, mostly because I hadn’t know of them. But this was sometime after Times of Grace came out and, as I now know, their first album produced by Sound Engineer, Steve Albini.

It is a raw album. It is wonderful, beautiful, dirty. To me, it’s maybe the epitome of Steve’s production, though I suspect we all have a different “epitome” of that. Anyway, find the album on your favorite streaming service. But I’ll leave you with a song from it below.

Here’s a listen for today: End of the Harvest by Neurosis.