
Life, or Something Like It

The past few weeks have gone quickly and bumpily.

First, around the 13th or so of July my car died. It was nigh on 18 so it was bound to happen. I just didn't expect it that day. Mid-climb on a hill that was part of a four-lane highway. In 90 degree heat.

Second, that next week we spent monitoring our go-live on new payroll software, continuing to tie up loose ends in our new ERP software, and home alone with the cats and a bearded dragon car-less. It went well but you miss some things quickly. There's grocery store near by that is 1.5 miles if I biked it; 3.4 if I walked it (because of where you can and can't walk) and no public transportation beginning July 1. I certainly have capability to find ways around, but it really hit me in the face how difficult it is without a vehicle to just grocery shop for some folks.

Third, went to my Association's conference and was promoted up a spot on our Executive Board plus had an overall good conference, but ...

Fourth, on the last day, I woke up not feeling well. It was, of course, the pandemic rearing its ugly head to remind me that it is still not over. It has been relatively rough but manageable.

In that time I've been working remotely and, in the "off" hours, making some updates to the site under-the-hood as they say. I am slowly working towards making my repo public but I had to clean up some issues with the .env. I accidentally committed it and then tried to add it to my .gitignore but it seemed like everything I tried ended up breaking the deployment. After yet again some excellent help from the 11ty Discord, I was, frankly, given the fix. It's a great bunch there and now it's working fine. I have a slight feeling I may have broken my webmentions, but I'm not sure yet. I did not break my webmentions. I will add to my list to do a longer post on the fix for the .env issue. It was pretty straightforward once I was handed the manual.

Be well.

#11ty #design