
Politics UnUsual

The RNC and DNC are now over. The RNC was an unapologetic display of a cult of personality in action. The DNC was a breath of fresh air, built upon inclusion, hope, and the protection (saving?) of democracy.

But there is work to be done to win the election and there are plenty of people writing thoughts on that. Canvassing, phone calls, post cards, registering voters, etc. There is plenty of work to go around.

Make no mistake in any of this: Dems have internal work to do. The list of these issues is lengthy with Gaza at the top. My message is to the Dems who say, "But we must beat TFG!" as argument to ignore these concerns. This is at the outcome of the election's peril. The best way to turn off and disenfranchise voters (besides the Republican attempts to actually remove voters from polls lists or make voting cumbersome as possible) is to ignore their concerns. We (Dems) service no one by telling them their issues/concerns will matter after the election.

The majority of people know most of their issues cannot be resolved overnight. When Dem (or any party) officials become defensive and act as of this ask is too big under the (false) premise that the demand is for immediate resolution, they do more harm to party perception than any attack ad.

I believe the Dem party, with embrace of the left and progressive wings, is best for this country. But this party is led be people and people can be fallible, egotistical, and selfish, no matter how good the outward intentions are. I've seen it close up in some (all?) of my political roles (maybe some day I'll post on that). We must acknowledge that and try to bring about real and significant change than just providing lip service to uncomfortable truths and hard issues.
