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“If you’re in an echo chamber, how are you going to talk to and come to common ground with others?”

I have no interest in coming to common ground with fascists. Fascism/racism/misogyny/anti-LGBTQIA+ are deal breakers. I don’t care if you have a good idea on some other topic.

Non-fascists can find me. I’m not off the grid.

This meeting could’ve been a seance

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We get through this together, friends. That includes fighting FOR each other and, as importantly, WITH each other when it warrants it. Tough talks are such for a reason. If someone learns from it, great. If not, they’ve made a choice.

I told folks tonight I’d be essentially leaving FB. One asked how to get ahold of me and I gave them my number and my Signal contact. They said they didn’t know what Signal was, so don’t be afraid to educate folks AND, importantly, be PATIENT with them.

@adam I truly appreciate everything you’ve done/said/et al up to and through the last few days. I’m happy to have found a home here as a genuinely concerned person and, in my ‘day job’, an elected official

I feel like I’ll be watching, “Casablanca,” more the next few years.