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Tagged “weblogpomo2024”

  1. Vacation all I ever wanted
    It's been a long time
  2. Image-ine that
    Images break my RSS feed
  3. A blog entry about journal entries
    Credit where it's due
  4. Something? to write home about
    Topical solutions to daily writing problems?
  5. I broke something in the rss feed
    But I think I fixed it
  6. Ugh, another redesign
    What else is there to say?
  7. Have you ever tasted the soil
    The passing of Steve Albini spurs a memory
  8. The Times they are a'changin'
    Setting up a time system and over correcting
  9. It's nice out there, gang
    Enjoy something
  10. iPadding the results
    Is tech media too rough on the iPad?
  11. It’s not always greener
    Lawns, native plants, and asthma
  12. What a headache
    Still no theme, but that's alright with me
  13. It's Hard to Find a Friend
    Music as I hear it
  14. It's the weekend
    Day three and all's well
  15. The last(ish) day of training
    So much accomplished, so much to go
  16. WeblogPoMo Intro 2024
    A kickoff to my WeblogPoMo 2024 adventure

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